JSA On The Go

jsa OnTheGo white logo on grey background

How to create a JSA / JHA /JSEA

Initial setup

Company information

Firstly, you must enter your company information, as this is a compulsory requirement for the front page of your document.

Tap the hamburger button on the top left corner of the screen and select ‘Company information’

Enter your company’s details and optionally select an image of your company’s logo.

Your company information will only need to be entered once and will be reused for consecutive JSAs. This information can be changed at any time by returning to the ‘Company information’ screen.

Document type

Next, open the side menu again and select ‘Document type’ and select your preferred document title from the options. This information will be reflected throughout the creation process and in the final PDF files produced.

This information can be changed at any time by returning to the ‘Document type’ screen.

Critical event management

From the side menu again and select ‘Critical event management’ and either select the terminology to use or to exclude this module (default setting).

This information can be changed at any time by returning to the ‘Critical event management’ screen.

Risk matrix

By default, JSA OnTheGo uses our generic five key risk matrix. You can view the risk matrix setup by opening the side menu and tapping on ‘Customize risk matrix’.

From this page you may create and save your own risk matrices to suit your company’s requirements.

Please refer to advanced features for further information on risk matrix customization.

Begin creating your JSA / JHA

Task details

From the main interface, tap on the ‘Create new JSA’ button.

Enter the title and task for the job. You may optionally add the specific area on the site for further clarification.

From here, you will be taken to the overview page.

Overview page

The overview page is just that. It provides a basic overview of your current job.

To help ensure the integrity of your document, any items highlighted in red must be addressed or before the document can be signed off.

Company Details

The company details that you supplied will appear here automatically.

Please refer to advanced features for further information regarding selection of additional company headers.

Job Details

Task and area

These are the details that you provided when you first created this document. They can be edited at any time by tapping the edit icon.

Site address

You are also required to provide a site address.

Open the ‘Site location’ pageby tapping the geolocate button or the edit icon.

You have three option for entering the site address:

  1. Tap the ‘Geolocate this address’ button to use your devices GPS to retrieve your current location.
  2. Enter the site location manually.
  3. Tap the blue ‘Use company address’ button if the job will be carried out at your company’s location.
Note: An active internet connection is required for geolocating services.

Team Members and Roles

Team members

Tap the ‘Team members’ arrow button to open the team members screen.

All team members participating in the job must be either added by typing in their names or selected from the list (if their name has previously been entered from another job).


From the ‘Team members’ page, tap the blue ‘Define roles’ button. This will open a new page that will allow you to enter roles to assign to the team members on the previous page.

Note: All team members must be assigned a role before saving.


Required permits

Initially, this section will be highlighted in red. This is to ensure that this information has not been accidentally overlooked.

Tap the ‘Required permits’ arrow to open the ‘Permits’ page.

If the job does not require any permits, simply select ‘None required’ and save. Otherwise, select the required permit from the list (add the permit type to the list first if necessary).

The ‘Tap to add permit number’ button will allow you to enter the required information to enable the save button.

Critical Event Management

Fatal/Critical Event Management (optional)

If you have selected to use this module (available from the side-menu on the main screen), it will appear on the Job overview page after the permits section.

Initially, this section will be highlighted in red. This is to ensure that this information has not been accidentally overlooked.

Tap the arrow to open the ‘Fatal/Critical Risk Management’ page.

Tap on any potential hazards in the list to view its control measure options. Select required controls.

If none of the hazards apply to the job, select ‘Not applicable’ to acknowledge the this section has been completed.

Risk Analysis(Steps)

Add Steps

Initially, this section will be highlighted in red. This is to ensure that this information has not been accidentally overlooked.

Tap the ‘Required permits’ arrow to open the ‘Permits’ page.

If the job does not require any permits, simply select ‘None required’ and save. Otherwise, select the required permit from the list (add the permit type to the list first if necessary).

The ‘Tap to add permit number’ button will allow you to enter the required information to enable the save button.

Edit or remove step

Long-press on the step you would like to edit or remove. This will bring up the dialog to let you access these options.

Change the step order

Tap the ‘up/down arrow’ button belonging to the step that you want to move.

Use the up and down arrows at the bottom of the screen to move the step to the new position.

Tap ‘Done’ when finished.

Tip: If you a deselect a step, it will not appear or the job overview page or in the document. However, it can always be re-enabled again later.

Risk Analysis (Hazards & Controls)


All of the steps being used for the job appear under the steps heading on the job overview page.

Steps highlighted in red indicate that they are missing essential information.

Completed steps will display the control rating next to the step.

You will not be able to continue on to review and sign the document until all steps have been rated.

Tap on a step to enter the step analysis sequence.

The step analysis sequence consists of 5 individual screens: Hazards, Hazard Rating, Controls, Control Rating, Outcome.

Hazards (1/5)

Enter any potential hazards that may arise during this step.

Hazards can be added by typing, speech-to-text or from the favorites button.

If required, you may optionally add a reference photo by tapping the camera icon next to the appropriate hazard.

Tip: Long-press on a specific hazard to access editing options

Hazard Rating (2/5)

Select the Likelihood and Consequence of risk according to the hazards listed for this step.

Controls (3/5)

Enter any control measures that can be put in place for this step to help reduce the risk of injury.

Controls can be added by typing, speech-to-text or from the favorites button.

As an additional safety measure, it is a requirement that one or more team members be assigned to each control measure. This confirms that the specified team members are accountable for putting controls in place.

Tap the ‘Tap to assign’ button to assign either a specific team member or ALL team members to a control.

Tip: Long-press on a specific control to access editing options.
Tip: To add more than one individual team member to a control, long-press on a specific control, select duplicate and add another team member.

Control Rating (4/5)

Select the Likelihood and Consequence of risk according to the control measures put in place listed for this step.

Outcome (5/5)

The outcome page displays the inherent risk rating and the residual risk rating from the information you have entered.

If the risk has not been reduced, you will have to go back and make adjustments before the risk assessment for the step can be completed.

If you have reduced the risk, you may select ‘Done’ and you will return to the job overview page where you will see the rating displayed next to the step you have just completed.

Review & Sign


When all of the information on the job overview page has been filled out correctly (ie. No red highlight warnings), the ‘Sign JSA’ button at to bottom of the page will be enabled. Tap to enter the ‘Review & Sign” page.


This page contains the same information and is a very similar representation to that of the final PDF file that will be created.

It is the responsibility of each team member to review the document and any specific roles they have been assigned before signing.

Note: To help better clarify particular hazards to team members, any reference photos taken for the job can be enlarged on the ‘Review & Sign’ page by tapping on them.

Sign & Save

Each team member must sign the document before it can be created.

Tap the respective team member’s ‘Tap to sign’ button at the bottom of the page.

This will open the ‘Signature’ page, where they will confirm their understanding of their responsibilities for the job.

When all signatures have been completed, the ‘PDF’ button located at the top right-hand corner of the screen will be highlighted.

Tap to create your PDF file.

Tip: Use a touch stylus or fingertip for adding signatures.

Finishing off

The PDF file should only take a moment to create and save to your device and instantly backed up to our cloud server (provided you have current internet connectivity).

It is, however, highly recommended to email your PDF file instantly as a safety measure.

Tap the ‘Send via email’ button to open your default email client with the PDF file ready to send to the default mailing address that you entered in your ‘Company Information page.

Note: If you do not have an internet connection when saving your PDF file, it is highly recommended to back up your PDF file to our cloud server as soon as possible. From the main options page, tap the ‘Cloud sync’ button and press ‘Sync now’ to update your JSA / JHA data and back up any PDF files that have not yet been saved to our cloud server.

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